Degree Check List

Current Student Degree Progress ReportLink to Catalog

Climate Change is one of the most relevant and pressing issues of our time. The Climate Change Minor creates an opportunity for students with any background to understand the science of climate change as well as some ways to plan for or mitigate the problem. The focus is on an understanding of climate change from an earth systems science perspective, though societal implications are also addressed.

____ MTR 1400 Weather and Climate* or GEG 1100 Physical Geography*

____ MTR 1600 Global Climate Change*

____ GEG 3410 Biogeography (Fall 2025)

____ MTR/GEG 3330 Climatology (Spring 2025)

____ MTR/ENV 3340 Climate Change Science (Fall 2024, Spring 2026)

____ GEG 4720 Planning for Climate Change (Spring 2025) or GEG 4700 Sustainability in Resource Management (Fall 2026)

Total: 18 credits

Students from any major are welcome to minor in Climate Change.  This minor is available on the 2022-2023 catalog and forward.  Your advisor might be able to help you move your catalog year forward if you’d like to declare a climate change minor and are on an older year, but be sure to run a “What If” report, then decide whether or not to move your catalog!

*The two General Studies courses will also fulfill your Natural and Physical Sciences requirement, as well as your Global Diversity requirement.  MTR 1400 and GEG 1100 are both Natural and Physical Science courses.  MTR 1600 is Natural and Physical Science AND Global Diversity.  These courses can count in your minor and General Studies (double dip).

Course Descriptions

Climate Change Minor Faculty Advisors

Head shot of Dr. Gabrielle Katz

Gabrielle Katz, Ph.D.

Professor of Geography
Dr. Keah Schuenemann with a fjord in the background

Keah Schuenemann, Ph.D.

Professor of Meteorology

Connect with Us

Have a question? We can answer it!

Whether you have a question about a prerequisite, need help registering for a course, or you would like to chat about one of our majors, we are here to help. Click below to send us an email!

Phone: 303-615-1177


Office Location:
Science Building
2nd Floor – #2028
Auraria Campus

Mailing Address: 
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Campus Box 22
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362